Purpose & Mission

The purpose of Arizona Youth Ministries of the UPCI is to educate youth, young adults, and youth workers in their apostolic identity and engage them in their apostolic purpose and mission.

The mission of the Arizona Youth Ministries of the UPCI is to serve the local churches of Arizona, partnering in their efforts to evangelize and disciple youth and young adults into becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

David Strader

David Strader

AZ Youth President

Jake Foster

Jake Foster

AZ Youth secretary

Austin Felty

Austin Felty

AZ Youth Promotions Director

Zaq Salas

Zaq Salas

Section 1 Director & P7/CMI

Phillip Conner

Phillip Conner

Section 4 Director

Andrew Combs

Andrew Combs

Section 2 Director

Aaron Combs

Aaron Combs

Hyphen Coordinator

Caleb Conner

Caleb Conner

Section 3 Director